You may have noticed — because you’re obviously gazing at our menu of truffles and chocolates daily like we are … right?— that a handful of our classic truffles are buttercream truffles.
Buttercream is that classic sugary sweet taste we crave when we’re on the hunt for a pick-me-up. Did you know there are several different types of buttercream? All made in different ways, with different ingredients for different reasons. While you take a bite of say … one of our White Chocolate Raspberry Buttercream truffles, let’s take a bite out of this sweet list of buttercream styles.
American Buttercream Made of just four simple ingredients, this buttercream is probably the one you’re most familiar with. It has topped middle school bake sale cupcakes and romantic tiered wedding cakes for decades because of its easy recipe and sturdy structure. Ideal for decorating and piping, American Buttercream is made with butter, confectioner’s sugar, milk and vanilla. The creamy butter is beaten until nice and smooth, then combined with sugar and vanilla until you’ve got yourself a consistent texture.
Swiss Buttercream Here is where things take a turn from a homestyle classic, to a pastry shop technique. Swiss buttercream involves meringue, the process of whisking egg whites and sugar over a pot of boiling water. The mixture is then whipped into soft peaks at which point butter and flavor can be added. Resulting in a light-as-air fluffy texture, Swiss buttercream is great for frosting.
Italian Buttercream If you’re looking to up the stakes a bit, Italian Buttercream is the way to go. Similar to Swiss, this buttercream is also made using a meringue. The difference is the egg whites are whipped at room temperature. Afterwards a sugar syrup is mixed into the egg whites to cook them. Lastly butter and flavor are whipped in resulting in a smooth rich buttercream perfect for layer cakes with its subtle sweetness.
French Buttercream French cuisine is known for its simple but rich flavors. French pastry is no different. It is made almost exactly the same as Italian Buttercream except by whipping egg yolks instead of whites, giving it a creamy yellow color similar to custard.
In our book, all buttercream styles are delicious because well … butter and sugar! The list of buttercream variations and different recipes from different countries goes on and on. If you’re looking for a rich buttery bite but don’t feel like making a mess in the kitchen, stop by the Chocolate Truffle today!